"Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight." (wikipedia)
It exists between the right eye and the left eye, and amongst all Human beings. Despite there being only one origin, the view changes depending on different backgrounds. And that view, unless one interferes with one another, will always remain parallel.
The Parallax phenomenon of the right eye and the left eye, just like the three dimensional effect or the sense of distance, may be distorted.If looked at from one point of view, misinterpretations will be present between Human being and Human being; between society and people.
This may become the norm at times. As the environment does not admit to any mistakes, this will lead to creating an unstable situation which may disguise the reality.
While “to comprehend” is not as simple as it is, the only way not to lose sight of the essence, is to dig deep down and look right into the existence of Parallax, or to surrender your consciousness and immerse in the phenomenon.
Acceptance of our neighbour’s and far away people’s Parallax, including the one which exists between yesterday and today’s self, will help everyone explore the connectivity of Parallax.